Based on gender and age in order to analyze lifestyle habits, researchers from the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country in Spain more than two thousand young men examined. Some participants were asked to fill out feedback forms. Seventeen young researchers at the age of thirteen, based on gender and age data examined lifestyle habits and eighteen to twenty-five.
The health of youth lifestyle activities can choose or more dangerous manners can be enticed by the age of sixteen, as was found significant. The most dangerous behaviors, alcohol abuse, tobacco and drug abuse, sexual escapades, deprived of sleep patterns and a sedentary lifestyle can join.
All traditions have been harvested in the early teen years, that was brilliant. Women compared to their male partners were dangerous behavior. Their risky behavior, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, sexually transmitted disease and pregnancy can involve risk. Compared to men, prohibited drugs, unhealthy food and alcohol use were more likely to be satisfied.
Several psychological factors, lifestyle habits, some are behind. Healthy lifestyle of young people with high self-worth and to feel more satisfied with the look, feel and reduced psychological well psychopathological tribulations. Experts, the best way to prevent the problem in the bud is nipping.
Bad eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, and alcohol ingestion has been already identified in early adolescence, especially between the ages of nineteen and twenty-five women and young people are leading the unhealthy lifestyle habits that are , explained study leader Marta Arrue University of the Basque Country in Spain.
Prevention of the Crusades many of these groups at risk and even take into account those less than thirteen years of age should take.
Prevention of the Crusades many of these groups at risk and even take into account those less than thirteen years of age should take.